Thursday, May 26, 2016

Is Science Catching Up With Feng Shui?

Is Science Catching Up With Feng Shui?
Have you ever wondered why Chinese roofs sweep upward in gentle curves? Not only are pagoda-style roofs very pleasing on the senses, but you are believed to avert evil spirits. Feng shui says that garden paths should meander just like a gently flowing river, and feng shui fears sha qi, that's anything angular and straight directly aimed or pointed at you. These notions have existed for a few thousand years, always backed by superstitions or supernatural beliefs, yet deeply practical with mundane fundamentals.

Modern research and psychogeography now ensure that shapes matter, and this environmental stress could potentially cause psychopathic reactions. Contemporary feng shui honors traditional rules and principles but efforts to substantiate ancient wisdom with all the latest discoveries in scientific disciplines.

Architects are worried with designing spaces for the personalities and preferences into the future occupant. They now take over access to virtual environments and physiological instruments whereby they are able to measure and gather here is how the client reacts for their models of design. Interesting experiments reveal that peoples' stated preference can be out of sync together with the readouts using their company bodies and movements. In other words, their body-based emotional reaction will not match their intellectual choices.

These observations confirm what we should know in feng shui being positive or negative environmental aspects. We distinguish between the yin of sentimental round shapes versus the yang of straight and jagged edges. We also stick to the guiding principles on the five elements to determine which shapes may very well be auspicious in recommending environmental adjustments. Personal needs can be served by increasing or decreasing elemental features with color, line, shape and texture.

Colin Ellard, a cognitive neuro-scientist on the University of Waterloo, says that "we see curves as soft, inviting and delightful whereas jagged edges take time and effort, repulsive and could signal risk." Other neuroscientists demonstrate that exposure to curved or jagged contours in architectural interiors may change our pattern of brain activity. "The presentation of curves produces strong activation in brain areas much like the orbitofrontal cortex and cingulated cortex - regions of our brain which can be associated with reward and pleasure. Jagged edges could cause increases in activity on the amygdala, a crucial part of our fear-detecting response systems."

University studies and experiments have said that participants were more prone to behave aggressively whenever they were in the middle of art with sharp angled shapes than whenever they were in a very room where more rounded contoured art was hung. These findings declare that shapes and contours will make us feel either happy and comfy or anxious and fearful.

Armed using the latest facts from scientific research, we're also ready to embrace the wisdom of traditional Chinese gardens and structures. We might come upon the round opening of any moon gate gazing through its framed view along a meandering garden path trailing off into your distance. Pagoda-style roofs with trapped edges and corners are portion of an intricate system indigenous for the architectural grammar of design that is prescribed for centuries.

Form school practitioners from early agricultural societies would seek the soft undulating shapes while exploring for "the dragon's lair" they thought being the ideal setting for any tomb site. A massive arch-shaped mountain, symbolizing the black tortoise on the north, provided protection from inclement weather along with the threat in the approaching enemy. The rolling hills of an dragon shape inside the east as well as a white tiger inside the west would open up for the views of any lake or river that has a central soft elevation representing the red phoenix within the south.

If these configurations are replicated in the virtual reality lab, biofeedback devices and electrodes is now able to measure and report how our brain activity and physiological responses are altered from the environment.

Make Space The Feng Shui Style

Make Space The Feng Shui Style
The way you take care of your home, informs you a lot concerning the personality of your person. An unorganized brain is an unorganized life. Look at things surrounding you. Does your closet overflow? Is that tiny corner on the town been used wisely? Is the area through your bed permanent space for storing for junk?

Remember your mom say, "Cleanliness begins in the home!" Similarly, a historical Chinese proverb says that when you want to alter your life, you have to move things in your house.

So we enable you to get these simple Feng Shui steps of redesign and find out how you can revitalise your lifestyle.



Your main door is known as "qi" i.e. the nourishment of your house. Therefore, should your entrance is straightforward to access, kept clean and enable the air flow freely, your time levels will definitely increase.


See into it that the area surrounding is not blocked, your qi will probably be diminished. Remember to lose the huge coats and hats along with the smelly shoe rack. Decorate that same space having a painting for the wall, or perhaps a nice floral vase. Maybe even wash the adjacent window sills to allow fresh air movement in that gleams around the entrance.



The bedroom is for one and only purpose - relaxation of body and mind. But every one of us just fling things around and it is cluttered with paperwork, clothes, or electronic screens that beckon someone to multitask. This is why while using smell and untidiness, you do not get sleep or flinch while using slightest touch or noise.


One word - ORGANISE. Move your televisions as well as other screens out from the room. Segregate your paperwork into folders and them in a drawer. See into it that all the things go into their rightful place. Earn brownie points by organizing your closet and bed too.



According on the study of Feng Shui, your kitchen that cooks fresh foods reflects and contains a direct affect your well-being mentally and physically. Many a times, your kitchen area space just isn't properly utilized as well as the dull room is absolutely off putting. Everything then incorporates a dominoes effect.


Organise the room, meaning keep fridge, freezer, and cupboards neatly arranged, as you need to maintain compost/left overs food within an area from your entire foodstuff. Clean your kitchen countertop make your cutting tools within their rightful place.

To end this information, remember fondly the 4 golden rules of any Feng Shui like design:
• Clear the mess to optimise space
• Use of light, colour, as well as simple objects to build energy flow
• Promote a healthy body by being clutter-free
• Integrate other natural elements in your home to produce harmony and prosperity

When all of this is done make sure you treat yourself to something very nice, the good cup of coffee or perhaps a movie that has a friend. Clutter clearing is compared to an emotional therapy!